Efficient, small-scale hydro solutions designed to drive energy savings for building owners.
Let’s turn clean energy into a smart investment.
The Problem
Globally, buildings utilize a large portion of city’s total energy usage. For example, buildings generate 80% of New York City’s greenhouse gas emissions.
With the increase in energy regulations, many buildings are unequipped to meet new standards. Only 35% of all buildings meet 2030 limits set by Local Law 97.
Current solutions either have too long of a pay-back period, do not generate enough energy to reduce carbon emissions, or are challenging to retrofit.
Our Solution
ROI outperforms that of other energy generation solutions, like solar.
Retrofit directly into existing buildings or install into new buildings.
Quick installation process in under 10 minutes.
We are Challenging the Current State of Hydropower
We want to be a pioneer in adaptable and cost-effective real estate solutions to the Global Climate Crisis, which is what inspired us to start Electromaim. Hydropower is now almost exclusively used in large bodies of waters owned by states or nations, or in rivers on private or municipal properties.
Yet, while every minute water gushes under the streets of our cities and into the pipes of tall buildings at extremely-high pressures, there are almost no hydropower installations in cities.